NCPD is for all people with disabilities, whether those disabilities are physical, emotional, intellectual or mental ; all are welcome to become members. Membership is also open to parents, carers, partners of disabled people and disability groups and organisations.
As a member of NCPD you will benefit from:
- A voice in the decision making process that affects you
- Improved lobbying and advocacy skills
- The full resources of a national cross-disability organisation
- The support of your local network and other local disability organisation in addressing local issues
- The right to communicate using your chosen method or format
- Becoming part of the change. Involvement in the changes which are taking place in this country and which affect the lives of disabled people
4 different membership panels
- Panel A: People with Disabilities over 18 years old
- Panel B: Parents / Partners / Relatives of disabled person(s)
- Panel C: Advocates. Advocates of persons who by the nature of their disability are unable or unwilling to represent themselves
- Panel D: National Organisations
N.B: Groups/Organisations - Please enclose description of activities and a copy of Constitution or Memorandum and Articles of Association with your application.
Click on the following links to view and download the Membership Form.